Winder Canterbury Tales, 3600 'The Matrix' .We were planning to return to class racing in 'The Matrix' having been out of the fleet for some time. The boat the fleet and the people are so good, once bitten only disaster can keep you away. Unfortunately that's what happened, a serious knee injury and now NO cartilage means she can't dinghy sail any more..We had Dave Winder modify the bottom of the boat, Keelband and aft to the latest shape, the Jib cleats lowered to enable easier un-cleating for the less strong ! A Steve Harling Mainsheet hoop system, centreboard service etc etc. Winder lifting carbon rudder, twin carbon poles, carbon boom, numerous sail from 6/10 to 8/10 trailer and trolley strongback 2 superspar carbon masts, covers. only needs final pimping
Vessel type: | Merlin Rocket |
Builder: | Winder |
Make: | Winder |
Model: | Merlin Rocket |
Constructed: | 2000 |
Sail number: | 3600 |
Length over all: | 14' |
Note: Indicated location is approximate general area only.